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What is OMGYES?

OMGYES is an ongoing effort to explore female sexual pleasure through groundbreaking research that’s told through the real-life experiences of women of all ages and life stages.

Our mission is to provide an honest, inspiring, and safe space for women, men and couples to discover the wide range of what feels good and science-based ways to make a great thing even better.

Debby Herbenick, PhD, Professor at Indiana University and the Kinsey Institute

Brand New Research

In partnership with researchers at Indiana University and the Kinsey Institute, we’ve conducted thousands of in-depth interviews and the first-ever large-scale, peer-reviewed and published studies about techniques for women’s pleasure.

What we found was that there are shared insights and techniques that enhance pleasure for the vast majority of women. We made OMGYES to share these insights with the world in a way that’s personal and practical.

Debby Herbenick, PhD, Professor at Indiana University and the Kinsey Institute

Read even more about the research

Through Each Round Of Our Quantitative And Qualitative Research, We Explore:

The specific physical, mental, and communication techniques that work for these women

The most impactful discoveries and breakthroughs in their sexual journeys

What we have discovered

While sexual pleasure is deeply personal, there are actually many similarities and patterns in the techniques and insights that lead to more sexual pleasure for women

A set of comfortable, descriptive words that let people identify and talk about the techniques

More than 25 techniques such as Layering and Broadening have emerged as strategies that enhance female pleasure for large percentages of women

Knowing this stuff makes our pleasure better and has far-reaching positive psychological benefits

A Binge to Broaden Minds

Most online education feels like work and most entertainment binges don’t leave you wiser and better informed.

OMGYES is designed to be exciting and engaging so you want to keep watching, but what you discover is also extremely rewarding for your life, mind, and relationship. Studies show using OMGYES gives users lasting positive effects:

A new language for what they find pleasurable

More confidence guiding partners

Physical pleasure experiences that feel fresh and new

Higher relationship closeness outside of the bedroom

More body positivity

Re-awakened curiosity about their own (and their partner's) pleasure

...and lots more

What We Are Building is an open, honest, evidence-based look at what feels good and why. We bring our research findings to life through videos of women who generously share their experiences as well as animated diagrams, data visualizations, and show-and-tell videos.

OMGYES has released the first two collections of what we intend to be an ever-growing resource for sexual discovery and exploration. Both collections offer:

Disarmingly Honest Short Videos

where real women (not actors) share their experiences and perspectives. These feel authentic and personal because they are. We created them from full-day conversational interviews with volunteers — women who passionately believe that by openly sharing their truths, they can help end today’s societal taboos.


Indirect pleasure through surrounding skin

Avoiding the direct route

We know we don’t need to tell you this, but the clit is super sensitive. Often what feels best is to avoid touching the exposed part and move the layers of skin around it, instead.

The skin works sort of like a soft blanket—you move the blanket and the blanket nudges the clit and that feels pretty darn nice. There are lots of ways to do it - and they each feel very different.

Excerpt from the Layering chapter of

Putting Pressure and Location Together

Pressure Gliding 1 in 2 women
Moving Skin 1 in 3 women
Firm Massage 1 in 10 women
Location Staying Away 1 in 20 women
least intense
Staying on the Hood 1 in 2 women
Off & On 1 in 4 women
Direct Hit 1 in 4 women
most intense

Excerpt from the Layering chapter of

Animated Diagrams

that zoom in on the variations of the most popular techniques that emerged from our research. These involve stimulation methods like Layering (indirect pleasure through the surrounding skin) and Shallowing (the joys of touch just inside the opening). It turns out that fine-tuning the amount of pressure applied or adjusting the location can make a world of difference when it comes to pleasure.

Data That Reveals

how normal it all is to ask for what you like or want to try. As one user said, “When I’m about to do one of the techniques or ask my partner to, and I have that moment of hesitation, it’s like I have thousands of women backing me up and encouraging me.”


Giving the clitoris extra pleasure during penetration

18% of women have had orgasms from penetration on its own

73% have orgasms with clitoral stimulation at the same time

40% of women went for years thinking there was something wrong with them because they didn't orgasm from just penetration

Excerpt from the Pairing chapter of


Heads up! This is a demonstration video, so it has explicit content. All of these videos have an "explicit" tag or are marked with this symbol:

Ok, let's go!
Ok, got it!

Diana shows her style of Double Circles

Excerpt from the Orbiting chapter of

Show-and-Tell Videos

where women talk viewers through the specifics of feel-good techniques as they show exactly what they mean on their own bodies. Many of these discoveries only really become clear when one actually sees them, up close.

How Much Does It Cost?

Buying an OMGYES collection is like buying a book - pay once and access it forever. The first collection costs {{priceData.price_series_original_display}} and both collections cost {{priceData.price_both_original_display}}. Each purchase funds our next waves of research and content.

Whats Next?

We are just beginning to identify the how’s and why’s behind sexual pleasure and are currently researching and making resources focused on other historically neglected topics, including:

  • Pleasure during pregnancy, postpartum and in menopause
  • Re-accessing pleasure after trauma/abuse
  • Men’s and trans/gender-diverse pleasure

Who Uses OMGYES and How?

People with Vulvas use the site to find words for what they like, ways to adjust what they like to be even more pleasurable, and new things they didn’t even know they’d like.

Couples, Together, watch OMGYES like they’d watch a show together, as a touchstone of mutual curiosity, exploration and inspiration to make a great thing even better.

Men and Partners use the site to gain unfiltered insight into the range of ways to give pleasure, read signals and empathize with their partners.

Anyone Curious about the latest science of pleasure watches OMGYES like one heck of an interactive nature documentary.

How OMGYES Is Being Received

The design is state-of-the-art and the info-graphics are smart and easy to read.

The best gift you could ever give yourself

Improving female pleasure via scientific research.

It feels genuinely engaging. There’s no judgement or shame, just straight up information.

The site smashes taboos surrounding female sexuality… with honesty and no shame

Warm, wise, tasteful and fun… Overall rating: Yes, Yes!

“I wanted to let you know I’ve bought this as I too am post menopausal and had given up ever experiencing what I had naturally in my 20-30s with the pressures of work being a mom and a wife I presumed that was the end of my sexuality. Well let me say I’m back on track feel years younger and recommend this to every woman willing to talk about this. Best money I’ve ever spent to re establish my self worth. Go for it. You will not regret this.”


“I bought it. I can’t believe I’m about to be 46 and I never knew some of this. And I’m quite sexual. Just wow.”

Amy K

“Love This! Changed my life in the most beautiful, unexpected ways. I'm not a young woman, and could not have been more surprised at the new ideas and how those ideas lead to untold pleasure! Open, candid and even visual tutorial, made me feel 'normal', 'OK' and willing to be my kind of sexy, not Hollywoods!!!”

Tina M

“I highly recommend this. It gives one not only a language with which to speak about pleasure, but also techniques in a simple, straightforward manner. I'm incredibly grateful for this digital school that helps with comfort & familiarity with women's bodies.”

Brandee T

“I love this site! Best $50 I ever spent. I looked through it myself and then with my boyfriend, which got us talking freely about some fantastic ideas. Thank you so much for making and participating, ladies. You've made us all a generous and liberating gift.”

Jennifer G

Who Are the People Behind OMGYES?

We are a group of researchers, filmmakers, engineers, designers, educators and sexologists who are passionate about making an honest, practical resource about women’s pleasure. We wanted this information for ourselves and couldn’t find it! Just knowing that ‘everyone’s different’ isn’t as useful as knowing the specific ways we’re different and being able to discuss them.

Christiana Von Hippel

Research Scientist

Mikayla McVey


Anabel Álvarez

Customer Success

Charles Lapage

Head of Operations

Avery Hudson

Director of Photography & Editor

Casey Wong

Jr Developer

Ella Morton


Will Raulin

Frontend Developer

Lily Simonson


Hannah Huges

Director of Photography & Editor

Inês Melo


Alecia Ott

Customer Success Director

Austin Eschenbach

Sr Developer

Erin Semine Kökdil

Post Production Supervisor

Rob Perkins


Why I Work Here

“This is my dream job! I get to do pioneering research on the most under-explored but incredibly important areas of life. I love putting this research into action to help empower women to thrive.”

“I’m thrilled to have colleagues who I genuinely adore, and who share a passion for vulnerable human storytelling.”

“I love how the important research we're conducting is made accessible to so many people around the world, in so many different languages.”

“We get to listen to people from around the world share their creative ways of navigating parts of life that usually don't get talked about. Every day I learn something else that changes how I approach my own life.”

“This work is like giving people keys to unlock parts of their connection to life that they may have never known existed. It's impossible to quantify how amazing that is.”

“It’s thrilling to receive supportive messages from people I haven’t heard from in years, that use and love OMGYes. This lets me know the tangible impact our work at OMGYes has on people’s pleasure and happiness.”

“I love hearing feedback from older people who have had blissful first-time experiences using techniques we suggest. Get it, gran!”

“Everyone on the team cares about each other as much as their work (which is a lot!) I think it’s that deep compassion that makes this such a unique place to work.”

“I get to help people all over the world expand their understanding and experience of pleasure.”

“Something special happens at the end of a long interview. You can read the pride of our participant on her face—she spoke her truth today and we helped her do it. That never fails to crystallize our purpose and damn, it feels like magic.”

“I am always inspired by the amazingly supportive and uplifting team I get to work with. I’m happy to be part of a group of people who are all not only so talented in their fields but also deeply passionate about what they (we!) do.”

“I want to live in a way that supports and encourages all to be their authentic selves & I feel lucky that I can do that personally and professionally at FGS. Also, I am able to help folks recognize they’re not alone in their experiences.”

“What’s different here is just how thoughtful everyone is and how little ego is involved in decision making.”

“When I began working at FGS, I didn’t realize how impactful the work would be on my own life. Hearing other women share their experiences validated my own and made me more confident in asking for what I want in all facets of my life.”

“I love how when this team gets together, we each get more confident and more audacious about what we imagine is possible.”

Our company is officially called For Goodness Sake LLC and launched in 2015. Our motto is Tech + Cause + Courage.

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